Quadrinho importado e em Ingles
(W - Escritor)E & E Plissken
(A - Arte)Benson Chin
(CA - Arte da Capa)Benson Chin
Lancamento: 07 June, 2023
Expectativa para o envio: 07 July, 2023
Numero de Paginas: 32
Tipo de capa: Softcover
Sinopse: From the writers of Heavy Metal Drummer, The Purple Oblivion, and The Firstborns comes this 80s slasher, lysergic, weird, indie, lynch-esque story. A group of teens on a road trip meet a creepy old woman at a gas station. A brief back and forth conversation with her leads to a night of acid trips, teen hijinks, and a giant killer with an elephant head. Things are about to get weird.