Nemesis: Rogues' Gallery #5 (CVR B) (B&W) (Valerio Giangiordano)
Quadrinho importado e em Ingles
(W - Escritor)Mark Millar
(A - Arte)Valerio Giangiordano
(CA - Arte da Capa)Valerio Giangiordano
Lancamento: 11 dezembro, 2024
Expectativa para o envio: 11 janeiro, 2025
Numero de Paginas: 32
Tipo de capa:
Sinopse: There’s an island where billionaires gather to indulge in the worst fantasies mankind can imagine outside the watchful eye of the authorities. Nemesis has a plan that involves each and every one of them in our shocking conclusion to our most depraved series so far. • The return of Millarworld's most popular character! • Five issue series.